Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Olympic Artwork

Olympic Artwork

Screenshot 2016-09-22 at 9.59.08 AM.png

This term in Room 10 we have been working hard doing olympic artwork with similes and metaphors, tessellations and words that describe the olympics on it.

In this piece of art is there are similes and metaphors, can you tell which is which?  There is also a tessellation in the background and on the outside is the three olympic values, the medal colors, the country it was held in and the year it was.  A tessellation is also a repeating pattern with no gaps or overlapping.  And a simile is something that has like or as in it but a metaphor is a word or phrase that is used to make a comparison between two people, things, animals or places.

For the picture we had to find an athlete cut its head out and take a picture of ourselves.  Next I had to cut out my head then put my head onto her body and stick it onto the tessellation.  

The easiest part in my art was coloring in the letters but the hardest part was the tessellation because I took for long to just draw it. I think my piece of artwork turned out well because of the colors.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Hong Kong STEM Challenge

Our Materials:
Here are the materials we used:
6 x long sticks
1 x  wooden square
2 x pipe cleaners
2 x straws
1 x 1m ruler
11 x plastic cubes
1 x bunch of popsicle sticks
4 x wooden small flat pieces

Challenge #1 - Build a structure with a cube as the base:
Screenshot 2016-09-07 at 9.51.33 AM.png
Challenge 1 was really hard because our structure fell a couple of times.  The hard thing about this  challenge is that there was a time limit and if it kept falling we would have to start over again.  I think we did well for our first structure, but now  I think we can do better for the next one.

Challenge #2 - Build the tallest structure that you can and your base can be any size:
Screenshot 2016-09-07 at 9.55.35 AM.png
Challenge 2 was really hard because we had to build the tallest structure but the problem was it kept tumbling down.  We ended up being disqualified because we had to many of one material.  But at least we participated and tried, we thought we could complete the next challenge and we did. We think it was because the weight was not equal on both sides.  But then we decided to put two blocks on both sides so it would be an equilateral structure..and that was not allowed and we got disqualified.

Challenge #3 -  Build a structure with something that balances off the side of it:

Challenge 3 was really easy because the block/stick were sitting on the big flat bored.  The hard thing about it was making the little pieces on top balance.  We could have done better, just by sticking it out more, but at least we tried.

By Philip, Kisayah and Mereana

I Completed Course 1!!!

Monday, 5 September 2016

Moment In Time Week 7

Today our teacher asked us to write a ‘Moment In Time’ piece using a picture of a boy in the water.  We planned as a class to make sure we had the 5 W’s and the 6 Senses.  

Before we began our writing in small groups we discussed the importance of using descriptive writing, using similes and metaphors where appropriate, using dialogue and have done our best to make sure our punctuation is correct.with more of an experience.

Our teacher gave us 10 minutes for each paragraph and then 10 minutes for editing at the end.  We had so much fun working together!

If you have a moment, we would love you to comment on our writing.  

Boy Overboard!

Jack and uncle Cakey were looking over the side of boat trying to catch a glimpse at the great white shark, suddenly he tripped over the anchor rope that his uncle told him to put away and he fell into the water like a polar bear diving for its food. “HELP!” cried Jack but uncle Cakey could not hear him because   he was deaf.  Jack was gasping for air as he was slowly drowning, he thought he would die.

The teeth chattering water was rising above his head,he could see sharks that had eyes of steal.  They were surrounding him like they had not eaten in months. He was as scared as a kid in a haunted house and he was missing his mum and his Uncle Cakey,he was fading into the darkness just him and his lonely soul.

He decided to lie on his back, say his prayers and let nature do what nature needed to do.  The goosebumps on his arms were  slowly going away, the waves were pushing up and down.  He was now in the power of nature. He knew the right thing would happen and he might not die a painful death.

Written by Memphis, Jipsy, Daisy and Mereana.

I think me and my team done really well on working together and finding where we needed to put full stops and capitals letters.

I think that me and my crew done really well for this moment in time, cause we had a lot of ideas in our mind that we shared.

I think that me and my group did really well.  I liked that everyone put all their great ideas together and made a good piece of writing.  I also learnt some new words from my group.


I think me and my group did well on this piece of writing because we all put all our ideas together and made a really good piece of writing that is really descriptive and has a simile that decrided the sentence that it was used  really well. But in this piece of writing we still needed to go back and change same words and read it for sense

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Moment in time

Chris and Marshall were at the beach having a lot of fun because they decided to skip school.  They were playing different kinds of games, such as soccer and volleyball.  “This is much better than school” said Chris.  “Yeah” replied Marshall.  “But I just feel a little guilty for skipping school” said Marshall.  “I don’t” replied Chris again.  They started playing more games until it was lunchtime.  They were starving like pigs that haven’t eaten in weeks.  They both then decided to eat until they were full.

Later on they noticed two teachers from their school.  “HEY” yelled Mr.s Calm.  “Well she doesn't look very calm today” giggled Chris.  “You two get here now”.  “We better make a run for it because time is money “.  Chris and Marshall were running as fast as cheetahs in the sand.  “My feet burn” Chris said to Marshall.  Marshall looked to see if the teachers were following them but suddenly he didn't look to see where he was going and tripped up over a big log.  “Are you alright” asked Chris.  “No” replied Marshall in a crying voice.  “HELP” screamed Chris but they were miles away from the people.  The teachers could see them and pulled over to the side of the road.  “What have you to done” said Mr.s calm.  “Let me call an ambulance and your parents”.  Marshall was screaming and crying.  The ambulance was on it’s way like a pack of cheetahs.  They came and saw the problem but he said Marshall should be alright it is just a scrape.  

You’re lucky said Mr.s Calm to both of them.  “And that’s why you come to school so you’re safe”.  “Yes” replied both of the boys.  Their parents were on there way.  “School is nearly over so you should just take the day off”.  “But remember to come to school tomorrow because you got a lot of work to catch up on” said Mr.s Calm.  Their parents finally turned up and told the teachers they are really sorry for what happened.  They boys said they are really sorry and they are really sorry to both the teachers and parents.  “We’ll we better get going” said Chris’s mum and off they went.  Marshall had to put a band-aid on his leg then he could go home